Vladimir Baykov

Titles of the books:

1.Vladimir Baykov Internet: search information and website promotion, BHV-publishing, 2000, Duesseldorf-SPb, 288p.

2.Vladimir Baykov Internet from email to WWW via examples, BHV-publishing, 1996, Duesseldorf-SPb, 208p.

3.V.D.Baykov, A.G.Predtechensky Internet: the first steps in Russia, 1996, 157 p.

4.V.D.Baykov, S.N.Vashkevich, M.B.Sergeev Applied subroutines for microprocessor checking and control systems, St.Petersburg, Politechnika 1992,223p.

5.V.D.Baykov, S.N.Vashkevich, Solving of trajectories problems in microprocessor systems of

numerical controls, Leningrad, Mashinostroenie,1986, 106p.

6.V.D.Baykov, V.B.Smolov, Special-purpose processors: iterative algorithms and structures, Moscow, Radio & svjaz, 1985,288p.

7.V.D.Baykov,S.A.Seljutin, Elementary functions evaluation in microcalculators, Moscow, Radio & svjaz,1982,64p.

8.V.D.Baykov Special computers, Moscow, Vischaja shkola,1981,279p.

8.V.D.Baykov,V.B.Smolov, Hardware implementation of elementary functions in computers, Leningrad State University, 1975, 96p.

10.K.Ivanova, T.Hassall, V.Baykov English for academic visitors, Alexander print, 1992, 156 p.

11. V.D.Baykov The modern English-Russian and Russian-English Dictionary, 1994, 1996, 2000 624 p.

Titles of the selected papers:

1. V.D.Baykov The sixth ocean, the seventh continent, the eighth wonder of the world,
The Internet World, 1997, N7, 64-69

2.V.D.Baykov, A.A.Smagin High-precision table-lookup interpolation of functions in macrocomputer, Application of discrete systems, 1993,n27, p.126-134.

3.V.D.Baykov, Overlapping of parallel data processing with their bit-serial input, Izvestia VUZov,Priborostroenie, 1990,n4, p.25-29.

4.V.D.Baykov, Method and unit for polynomial evaluation, Gibridnie vichislitelnie mashini i kompleksi, 1984, n7

5.V.D.Baykov, Digit by digit technique with direct checking of convergence, Analiz i sintez diskretnih sistem, 1984, n20

6.V.D.Baykov,M.B.Sergeev,M.A.Mohammed Computing systems architecture oriented to solving linear systems equations. Upravljajushie sistemi i mashini, 1990, n.4.

7.V.D.Baykov, M.B.Sergeev Fast programs for the solution of linear equations for control microcomputers and personal computers, Vichislitelnaya technika i voprosi kibernetiki, 1990, n26, p.75-79

8.V.D.Baykov, V.B.Smolov, Special-purpose processors for high-speed microprocessor systems, Proektirovanie funktsionalno-orientirovannich vichislitelnih system, 1990, n11, Leningrad State University

9.V.D.Baykov, S.D.Bulgakova Bit-pipeline structure for digital signal processing, Avtomatica and VT, Riga, 1990, n6, p.48-53.

Titles of the selected conference presentations:

1.V.D.Baykov The role of the Internet-technologies for developing of Education and Culture,
International Conference "Internet: Culture @ Education" SPb, 1998, p.2-3

2.V.D.Baykov, A.A.Smagin, V.B.Smolov Table-lookup interpolation of functions in microcomputers. multiprocessor computer systems, All union conference, Taganrog, 1991.

3.V.D.Baykov,S.D.Bulgakova, Bit-level pipelined algorithms and structures for signal processing aplications, Latvian signal processing international conference, 1990, Riga,April 24 ;6,vol.2,p.208-212, (in English)

4.V.D.Baykov, Dedicated processors on VLSI for solving of linear systems equations, SAPR-90, conference on computer aided design, 1990,Crimea, 5-14, p.13-14.

5.V.D.Baykov,M.B.Sergeev, Concurrency computer systems, X Symposium po probleme izbitochnosti v vichislitelnih sistemah, Leningrad,26-28 May, 1989,vol.3, p.96-97

6.V.D.Baykov, S.D.Bulgakova, Combination of functions evaluation with input of data, Problemi vichislitelnoi matematiki i avtomatizacii nauchnih issledovanii, All-union conference, Alma-ata, 1988,24-28 October, vol.4,p.16-17

7.V.D.Baykov,S.D.Bulgakova,S.N.Vashkevich, Algorithms and programs of statistical estimations evaluation in microprocessor control systems, Povishenie effectivnosti sredstv obrabotki informacii, All-union conference, Tambov, 1988, May 14-18, p.130-132

8.V.D.Baykov Overlap of bit-serial input with parallel processing, SAPR-93, International Conference on CAD, Crimea, Jalta, 1992

9.V.D.Baykov, Dedicated processors on VLSI for solving of linear systems equations, SAPR-90, Conference on computer aided design, 1990,Crimea, May 5-14, p.13-14.

The total number of my publications , including papers, patents and reports is

over 130, see also: list of publications